Effect of praziquantel treatment on antibody levels and lymphoproliferative responses in patients with opisthorchiasis.

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The purpose of this study was to explore alternative method(s) to monitor the efficacy of anthelmintic treatment of patients with opisthorchiasis. Therefore, in our initial attempt, we studied the changes in antibody levels and lymphoproliferative responses in O. viverrini infected patients before and 2 months after successful praziquantel treatment. The results showed that although a substantial reduction of the antibody levels occurred after such a treatment, it did not occur in all patients. In those showing reduction, the final level were still above 2 standard deviations of the normal mean value. The reduction was more profound for IgG antibody. With regard to the IgA antibody isotype, the reduction was not as marked. In contrast, IgE antibody levels in most patients not only failed to decline, but instead, showed a tendency to be elevated after praziquantel treatment. Unlike the antibody levels, there was no alteration in the lymphoproliferative response to PHA stimulation and therefore this parameter is not useful for our intended objective. It was suggested that studies of a more specific O. viverrini component may be more reliable than the current method of parasitological examination of eggs in the feces of suspected individuals.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Wongratanacheewin S, Charupatana C, Bunnag D, Sirisinha S. Effect of praziquantel treatment on antibody levels and lymphoproliferative responses in patients with opisthorchiasis. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1988 Mar; 19(1): 109-16