Eye lesions and onchocerciasis in a rural farm settlement in Delta state, Nigeria.

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A study of 326 volunteers from a rural farm settlement in Aniocha North, Delta State, Nigeria, was conducted between December 1999 and September 2000. Volunteers were screened for eye lesions and onchocerciasis. Microfilariae were found in the skin tissues of 134 (41.1%) inhabitants; of these, males had greater microfiladermia (49.9%) than females (33.3%). The percentage prevalence of the clinical signs of onchocerciasis in the farm settlement were: hanging groin 14.1%, onchocercal nodules 25.1%, onchocercal dermatitis 27.6%, scrotal enlargement 3.7%. The percentage prevalence of the eye lesions among those with onchocerciasis were: cataract 24 (7.4%), glaucoma 12 (3.7%), optic atrophy 2 (0.6%) and uveitis 18 (5.5%). Impaired vision was found in 80 (24.5%) inhabitants and blindness was suffered by 2(0.6%) inhabitants.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Nmorsi OP, Oladokun IA, Egwunyenga OA, Oseha E. Eye lesions and onchocerciasis in a rural farm settlement in Delta state, Nigeria. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2002 Mar; 33(1): 28-32