Pattern of tobacco smoking in north Indian adults.

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An exploratory study was conducted among 200 apparently healthy current smokers aged 15-45 years to determine their attitudes and behaviour regarding tobacco smoking by using a precoded questionnaire specifically designed for the purpose. Females constituted 10% of the study group and the 73 participants who smoked cigarettes exclusively were from urban backgrounds and were noted to inhale the smoke more frequently than bidi or hukka smokers. Parental and peer group influence, as well as curiosity in late teenage were the major reasons for starting smoking which was however continued mainly to obtain the stimulatory and or relaxing effects of nicotine. Health hazards of smoking, particularly lung cancer and heart disease, were widely known and fear of these constituted the most important reason for smokers wishing to quit the habit. One-half of the subjects attempted to stop but could not succeed due to withdrawal symptoms and lack of a suitable substitute. The divergence between attitude and behaviour of smokers is highlighted by this study since smokers continued to smoke despite being averse to smoking and disapproval of their habit by their family members. There were important differences in the pattern of smoking and perceptions of various groups of smokers regarding the societal permissiveness, awareness of health hazards, and measures to control smoking.
Sarma PV, Dhand R, Malhotra A, Malhotra S, Sharma BK. Pattern of tobacco smoking in north Indian adults. The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences. 1990 Apr-Jun; 32(2): 83-93