Prevalence of HIV and VDRL seropositivity in blood donors of Delhi.

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Blood transfusion has been the transmission mechanism in 15 per cent of total patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A few reports are available regarding the trend of HIV seropositivity in northern India. Prevalence of VDRL (venereal disease research laboratory) reactivity varies from 0.8-15 per cent in blood donors. We present data on the prevalence and trends of infection with HIV 1 and 2 and VDRL reactivity in blood donors in Delhi. Between 2000-2002, a total of 76089 (voluntary and replacement) donors were screened. Majority (82.4%) were replacement donors. Seropositivity for HIV and VDRL was seen in 0.54 and 2.6 per cent of donors respectively. The percentage of seropositivity for HIV and VDRL was significantly higher in replacement donors (P<0.001). It is suggested that extensive donor selection and a voluntary donor service would reduce the number of infectious donors significantly. Non-renumerated repeat voluntary donor services are urgently required to lower the prevalence of transmissible infections. While the need to change to a voluntary donor service and devising effective donor screening cannot be over emphasized, there is also a need to mandate HIV antigen detection in India.
Singh B, Verma M, Kotru M, Verma K, Batra M. Prevalence of HIV and VDRL seropositivity in blood donors of Delhi. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2005 Sep; 122(3): 234-6