Good anesthetic for good esthetic: Blocks in oculoplasty

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Christy, Marem Chionkhumi
Honavar, Santosh G
Talloju, Shiva Shankar
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All India Ophthalmological Society
Background: A good anesthesia not only makes the patient comfortable during surgery, but also has a huge impact on the postoperative recovery. It also makes the operating surgeon carry out each step of the surgery precisely and beautifully. The art of giving a good local anesthesia is to be learnt and practiced not only by anesthetists, but also by the practicing ophthalmologists. Purpose: This video gives an overview of anatomy in terms of the nerve supply of the orbit, the surface marking, and the techniques of giving regional and nerve blocks. Synopsis: In this video, we describe the anatomy, the surface marking, the technique of regional anesthesia including peribulbar, retrobulbar, and subtenon blocks and of nerve blocks, specifically of facial, frontal nerve and its branches, infraorbital, nasociliary, infratrochlear, and dorsal nasal nerves, with their application in ocular plastic surgery. Highlights: This video highlights the essence of providing appropriate and good anesthesia so that the surgeon works in an optimal field with maximum comfort to the patients.
Blocks, oculoplasty, anaesthesia
Christy Marem Chionkhumi, Honavar Santosh G, Talloju Shiva Shankar. Good anesthetic for good esthetic: Blocks in oculoplasty. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2023 Jul; 71(7): 2926