Make in India: Normative data for automated perimetry

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All India Ophthalmological Society
Background: The normative data set in authomated perimetry is predominantly of non?Indian origin and hence may not be an accurate basis for visual field analysis in Indian population.This video describes an attempt to create a native normative dataset for automated perimetry, which can then be fed in our machines and be used as the normative database. Purpose: To formulate normative data and to increase domain knowledge of normative values for automated perimetry in Indian population of different age groups. Synopsis: Cross?sectional study conducted on patients receiving outpatient care in a span of 3 years, which included 6586 healthy normal patients (13172 eyes) with vision 6/6 unaided or after refractive correction. The patients were tested with 30?2 SITA FAST threshold algorithm on Humphrey Field Analyzer Model no: 745i. Normative data was calculated on basis of age group ranging from 19?75 years categorized to every decade. Normal values were formulated on basis of perimetry performed on normal patients. Highlights: Our work on creating a native normative dataset may add value as well as increase the accuracy of perimetry analysis in Indian eyes
Perimetry, automated, normative data, Indian, Humphre
Israni Neeraj, Thomas Rwituja, Kochar Shruti. Make in India: Normative data for automated perimetry. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2022 Mar; 70(3): 1074