The Emergence of Omicron: Challenging Times Are Here Again!

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Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation
COVID-19 has been reported to have caused more than 286 million cases and 5.4 million deaths till date. COVID variants have appeared at regular intervals—alpha, beta, gamma, delta and now omicron. ‘Omicron’ is driving the current surge of cases in most countries including India and is poised to replace ‘delta’ the world over. This variant with more than 50 mutations is phylogenetically very diferent from other variants. The omicron variant spreads rapidly with an average doubling time of two days. The disease so far has been mild as compared with delta. Though previous infection and vaccination ofer little or no protection against infection with omicron, they do seem to partially protect against hospitalization and severe disease. Booster vaccinations have not made any notable impact on the spread of omicron and have further worsened global vaccine equity. The indirect consequences of omicron from lockdowns, restrictions, travel bans, economic losses, health care worker infections and overwhelming of health care facilities are likely to be enormous. The direct efects of omicron on children are expected to be mild like with the previous variants. However, the indirect efects on child mental, physical, and social health may be considerable owing to school closures, missed vaccinations, neglect of other diseases, etc. It is, therefore, imperative that governments take rational decisions to navigate the world through this latest crisis.
COVID-19, Children, Omicron variant, Variant of concern (VOC), Third wave
Singhal Tanu. The Emergence of Omicron: Challenging Times Are Here Again!. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2022 May; 89(5): 490–496