Incidence & factors influencing maternal near miss events in tertiary hospitals of Maharashtra, India

Background & objectives: Government of India (GoI) released operational guidelines for maternal near miss-review (MNM-R) in 2014 for use by programme managers of public health system to assist them for conducting MNM-R. The objective of the present study was to review the incidence and factors influencing MNM events in two tertiary hospitals of Maharashtra, India, as per the operational guidelines of the GoI released in 2014 and identify delays based on three-delay model to prevent such events in future. Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in two tertiary hospitals of Maharashtra, from July 2018 to November 2020. All women during pregnancy, childbirth or postpartum upto 42 days meeting the eligibility criteria of MNM as per the 2014 GoI guidelines were included as cases (n=228), interviewed and discussed during the monthly MNM meetings at these hospitals. Results: The incidence of MNM was 11/1000 live births; the ratio of MNM to maternal deaths was 1.2:1. Leading causes of MNM were haemorrhage (36.4%) and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (30.3%). Haemorrhage was maximum (70.6%) in abortion and ectopic pregnancies. Majority of the women (80.2%) were anaemic, of whom 32.4 per cent had severe anaemia. Eighty six per cent of women included in the study had MNM events at the time of admission and 81 per cent were referred from lower facilities. Level one and two delays were reported by 52.6 and 32.5 per cent of women, respectively. Level three delay at referral centres and at tertiary hospitals was reported by 69.7 and 48.2 per cent of women, respectively. Interpretation & conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that MNM-R should be undertaken at all tertiary hospitals in India as per GoI guidelines to identify gaps based on three-delay model. These hospitals should implement interventions as per the identified gaps with emphasis on strengthening the infrastructure, facilities and manpower at the first-referral units.
Causes, delays, India, Maharashtra, MNM-review, maternal near miss events
Kulkarni Ragini, Chauhan Sanjay, Fidvi Juzar, Nayak Arun, Humane Anil, Mayekar Rahul, Begum Shahina, Patil Anushree, Mayadeo Niranjan. Incidence & factors influencing maternal near miss events in tertiary hospitals of Maharashtra, India. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2023 Jul; 158(1): 66-74