Primary breast sarcoma: A case series

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Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Background: Primary Breast Sarcomas (PBS) are rare malignancies and seen in less than <1 % of all breast malignancies. PBS are non epithelial, composed of mesenchymal mammary tissue and are difficult to diagnose from other sarcomas arising in breast. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in the Department of Pathology and slides of breast malignancies over a period of 5 years were reviewed. Out of total 1570 breast malignancies, 5 cases were reported as PBS. Diagnosis was made on the basis of Histopathology and IHC findings. Results: Out of total 1570 cases, 5 cases were diagnosed as PBS (i.e. 0.32% of all cases). 3 out of 5 cases were males comprising of 60% of cases and 2 cases were females accounting for 40% of cases. The age group of presentation was 32-65 years with mean age being 48.5 years. A diagnosis of MPNST was rendered in two cases ( 1=M, 1=F), one each was diagnosed as DFSP ( with fibrosarcoma), Leiomyosarcoma and Fibrosarcoma. Conclusion: PBS is an extremely rare entity and locally aggressive. It requires diagnosis as its treatment protocol is different.
Breast, primary, sarcoma, secondary
Ahuja M, Mallya V, Mandal S, Tomar R, Aggarwal R, Khurana N, Lal P.. Primary breast sarcoma: A case series. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2022 Mar; 65(1): 152-156