Milia Over Healing Leprosy Plaque: A Rare Presentation

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Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh (Indian Leprosy Association)
Milia are benign keratinous cysts that present as small, firm, dome-shaped papules. Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous disease caused by M leprae. It is well known to damage skin adnexa, including eccrine glands, due to infiltration of inflammatory cells or by pressure from granuloma formation followed by their subsequent repair. We report a 12-year-old male with multiple milia over a healing plaque of BT Hansen’s disease to highlight the rare presentation where the healing process and not the acute inflammatory reaction was crucial in milia formation because of the occurrence of milia only over resolving lesions without lepra reactions
Leprosy, Lepra Reaction, Milia
Sharmeen A, Varshney I, Adil M, Khan HQ, Amin SS, Afroze R. Milia Over Healing Leprosy Plaque: A Rare Presentation. Indian Journal of Leprosy. 2022 Dec; 94: 355-357