Modified Frenectomy Technique to Eliminate the Aberrant LabialFrenum – A Report of Two Cases

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Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Introduction: A modified frenal treatment for aberrant frenum is presented in this report to reduce scar tissue formation and maintain the attached gingiva. Description: The case report describes two cases in which a V-shaped incision removed the aberrant frenum and then the flaps of the frenum were sutured at the mid line. Results: The results showed reduced scar tissue in the mid line and the tissue healed with adequate attached gingiva. Take-Away Lessons: The modified frenotomy technique presented here is ideal for a large frenum that could expose the underlying connective tissue that could reduce the scar tissue formation.
Diastema, gingiva, labial frenum, scar
Saokar Asmita, Kumar Santhosh, Bhat G. Subraya, Alagl Adel Sulaiman M.. Modified Frenectomy Technique to Eliminate the Aberrant LabialFrenum – A Report of Two Cases. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2022 Dec; 33(4): 462-464