Safeguarding Our Adolescents from Inappropriate Use of Smart Gadgets: Hacks and Heuristics

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Adolescents (children aged 11-19 years) are at the greatest peril when it comes to use of smart gadgets. These gadgets are essential for literacy and development, but also have the potential to cause addiction and other unwanted effects. Finding the right balance is the key. Thus, there is a considerable need to devise, enlist and convey to parents, various hacks and heuristics that can be used by them to optimize the use of smart gadgets by their teenager children. This communication should prove helpful for all health care professionals who are directly or indirectly involved in adolescent health care.
Screen addiction, adolescent health, counseling, digital health, pediatric health, psychology, screen time, teenagers
Verma Meenakshi, Verma Suneet Kumar. Safeguarding Our Adolescents from Inappropriate Use of Smart Gadgets: Hacks and Heuristics. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022 Nov; 33(6): 28-30