A Record Based Study On Various Factors Affecting The Choice Of Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device In Ahmedabad City

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Association of Health Professionals and Health Educators
Background:Unplanned pregnancy may be the reason of many neonatal and maternal adverse effects. The objective is to study various factors affecting IUCD (temporary contraceptive method) preference. Material And Methods:A record based study of data of 483 couples selecting IUCD, during the one year period was collected with permission from tertiary care hospital. Result:The most common group preferring IUCD was 21-30 years (mean age-females-26 years and males-30 years).Majority having 2 children opted for IUCD while only 1 couple opted for IUCD without any child. Out of the total, 42% opted PPIUCD, 42% interval IUCD and 16% PAIUCD. Among lower age and up to primary educated groups, majority opted for PPIUCD. Among higher age and educated groups, majority opted for interval IUCD. PAIUCD proportion was higher in less educated females. Majority ofMuslims preferred PPIUCD while Hindus, interval IUCD. The association of type of IUCD with age, number of children and religion was found significant while with education, it was in-significant. Conclusion:The use and type of IUCD preferred depends on various factors such as age of male and female, number of children and religion of couples
IUCD, PPIUCD, interval IUCD, PAIUCD, Temporary contraceptive method
Parikh B, Parikh J, Patel V, Nayak A, Panchal V.. A Record Based Study On Various Factors Affecting The Choice Of Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device In Ahmedabad City . National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine. 2021 Mar; 12(1): 52-56