New Therapeutic Perspective Based on Anacardium humile in the Treatment of Skin Wound Infected by Staphylococcus aureus

This is a literature review with the objective of presenting scientific evidence about the therapeutic importance of the use of Anacardium humile for the treatment of infected skin wounds. Retrospective and analytical study carried out from 1999 to 2021, in the Bireme, UpToDate, Pubmed and Scielo databases. The association of the descriptors “Phytotherapy” was used; “Cerrado and Pantanal Plants”; “Wounds contaminated by bacteria”; “elastic fibers”. Of the 248 articles analyzed, 36 were included in the review because they met the inclusion criteria. Among the results, it was evidenced that the conventional treatments, although effective (the gold standard being Sulfadiazine 1% silver), present toxicity to human keratinocytes and fibroblasts, with this, it is concluded that further research will be necessary to prove the effectiveness of new treatment options or association of herbal medicines with treatment.
Phytotherapy, cerrado and pantanal plants, wounds contaminated by bacteria, elastic fibers
dos Santos T. F., Colli E. de H., Benitez D. F. D., Pinheiro M. E. de L., Rodrigues B. dos R. D. L., Davalos S. R. A., Tavares M. B., Neto C. D. L. R., Campos C. B. S., Oliveira F. A. de, Moraes G. M. A., Goveia M. R., Tavares M. A. de S. B.. New Therapeutic Perspective Based on Anacardium humile in the Treatment of Skin Wound Infected by Staphylococcus aureus. European Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2022 Aug; 33(8): 10-15