A Clinical Study and Management of Non Traumatic Acute Abdomen

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Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences
Background: The acute abdomen is a condi?on that demands urgent a?en?on and treatment, ranging from trivial to life threatening condi?ons. The aim of this study was to know in detail the epidemiology and outcome in nontrauma?c acute abdomen. Methods: An ins?tu?on based, cross-sec?onal study was conducted from December 2019 to April 2020, at Department of General Surgery Govt. Medical College Kota Rajasthan. The study included 100 cases of non-trauma?c abdomen. Results: Non- trauma?c acute abdominal pain was more common in 2ndto 6thdecade of life. The males to female ra?o is 2.85:1. Hollow viscus perfora?on (30%) forms the commonest cause of acute abdomen followed by acute appendici?s, Sub acute intes?nal obstruc?on, renal/ureteric colic, cholelithiasis, pancrea??s, non-specific pain abdomen, OBG related pathology, liver abscess, Meckel’s diver?culi?s and splenic abscess in 24%, 23%, 8%, 4%, 3%, 3%, 2%, 1%, 1% and 1% respec?vely. Sixteen pa?ents managed conserva?vely. Most common surgical procedures done were exploratory laparotomy with needful for hollow viscus perfora?on and open/laparoscopic appendicectomy for acute appendici?s. Conclusions: Proper history taking, clinical examina?on with suppor?ve imaging findings are most important to narrow the differen?al diagnosis and for immediate interven?on to limit morbidity and mortality.
Non-traumatic acute abdomen, Hollow viscus perfora?on, Acute appendicitis, Intestinal obstruction
Vaswani Rajesh, Meena Sunil Kumar, Meena Omeshkumar, Dhaka Ankit Kumar, Meena Satya Narayan, Kumar Ankit. A Clinical Study and Management of Non Traumatic Acute Abdomen. Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences. 2022 Apr; 10(1): 79-83