A Study On Awareness Of Pradhan Mandri Jandhan Yojana In Erode District

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Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research
Financial inclusion is an important factor for a country's development. Government is continuously taking some measures for financial inclusion, one among such measure is introduction of Pradhan Mandri Jan Dhan Yojan with so many useful features. Even though the Government is taking initiatives, the awareness of public on this scheme questionable. This study is an attempt to study the awareness of PMJDY in Erode District. The researcher has collected 110 samples using convenient sampling technique. The findings stated that, all the socio-economic variables are associated with awareness. Further certain segments are more aware of PMJDY than of others.When it comes to source of awareness, visual media is found to be more influential than others.
Awareness, PMJDY, Financial Inclusion
Babu K., Vinothkumar S.. A Study On Awareness Of Pradhan Mandri Jandhan Yojana In Erode District. Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research. 2023 Jun; 12(6): 1-3