Entrepreneurial Intention: A Critical Review

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Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research
Economic experts all over the world have regarded Entrepreneurship as the fourth factor, next to land, labour and capital; for the production of goods as well as services. Entrepreneurs are said to be the steering wheel for the economic development of a Nation. The contributions of an Entrepreneur for the Country as a whole and the society in particular is enormous. In this context, it is important to study about Entrepreneurship and explore in detail about its significance. This paper aims to draw special attention to the importance of Entrepreneurship. Further, the need of Entrepreneurial Intention and its scope taking students into consideration has also been highlighted.
Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneuria l Intention, Economic development
Bardia Bhawana, Das Amit Kumar. Entrepreneurial Intention: A Critical Review. Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research. 2022 Jun; 11(6): 105-106