Medical Education During Pandemic in China: Modalities and Challenges

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Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research
Background: At the beginning of 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 was first reported in China, it has brought great impact on the society, economy and life. This study introduces the modalities used for the continued medical education during this Covid situation by the Chinese Medical Universities. Current study also focuses on the challenges fronted by the students regarding gaining of professional knowledge and learning by the medical students enrolled in the Chinese Medical University. Objective: To assess the modalities used for continued online teaching and the challenges faced by the medical students enrolled in Chinese Medical University. Methods: The keywords below were used to search from public databases and review the relevant publications on medical online teaching in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. This search was further used to analyze and summarize the online tools, modalities, and challenges faced by the students. Results and Conclusion: Some common online teaching tools and a variety of online teaching modalities, as well as possible challenges were described. Potential solutions for those challenges, as well as the impact of the transition to online teaching on traditional education were discussed. Medical education during the difficult time of COVID-19 has presented many challenges, which suggests that the transition to online teaching or learning will likely continue to have a profound impact. However, since some medical subjects require skill development through clinics and interaction with patients, a blend of online and offline mode of education for the medical education is suggested.
Covid19, Education modality, Online teaching, Medical education, Virtual classroom
Singh Nidhi, Singh Bijayant Vikram, Sawlani Harshima. Medical Education During Pandemic in China: Modalities and Challenges. Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research. 2022 Mar; 11(3): 17-18