To evaluate peripheral neuropathy of ulnar sensory nerve through nerve conduction studies in Type 2 diabetic patients

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Mrs Dipika Charan of MedScience (India) Publications
Background: Secretory defects or defects in action of insulin precipitate a condition of chronic hyperglycemia known as diabetes mellitus, a metabolic disorder progressive in nature with long asymptomatic stage. Diabetic neuropathy is the most life threatening complication. Aims and Objectives: Early detection of peripheral neuropathy helps to take remedial measures in controlling the progression of the disease. Materials and Methods: Forty clinically detectable peripheral neuropathy Type 2 diabetic patients and 40 age-matched control subjects were selected for the study and nerve conduction test of ulnar sensory nerve was done and distal latency (DL), sensory nerve action potential (SNAP), and sensory nerve conduction velocity (SNCV) were recorded using RMS-EMG-EP-MAK II machine to predict the extent and type of neuropathy in diabetics. Results: Significant difference (P < 0.05) of DL, SNCV, and SNAP of ulnar sensory nerve was found in clinically detectable peripheral neuropathy group as compared to controls. Predominantly, axonal type (loss of amplitude) of neuropathy was present in study group. Conclusion: Electrophysiological variables of ulnar sensory nerve were affected in most of the subjects suggesting axonal loss and demyelinating changes in the nerve.
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Neuropathy, Action Potential, Axonal Loss
Shrivastava R, Saluja A, Sharma B, Dave R, Shrivastava A.. To evaluate peripheral neuropathy of ulnar sensory nerve through nerve conduction studies in Type 2 diabetic patients. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2023 May; 13(5): 935-938