Psychosocial Perceptions as Significant Impact Modifiers - A Mixed Method Research Among Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients in A Tertiary Care Hospital in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu

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Medsci Publications
Context: Covid 19 pandemic which evolved in successive waves had profound pyschosocial impact on affected in-dividuals. Perceptions had impact on both individual and environmental level with potential behavioural conse-quences. The aim of the research is to study the psychosocial perception and psychological impact of COVID- 19 among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Methodology: The study was a mixed method research (Quan-Qual sequential design) conducted in the Covid wards of a tertiary care hospital in Coimbatore district. The psychological impact was assessed us-ing the General Health Questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scale. The results of quantitative analyses and qualitative analyses were expressed as proportions and done using thematic analysis using grounded theory respectively. Results: About 55% of the hospitalized Covid-19 patients had psychological impact. On multivariate analysis, the factors which emerged as independent risk factors for presence of psychological morbidi-ties due to COVID were presence of high stress level, sleep disturbances and their perception of COVID as high threat. Conclusions: Focussed Counselling with specific reference to attend to spiritual health component in addition, would go a long way in diminishing immediate and long-term psychological impact due to covid-19 illness.
Covid-19, Psycho social perception, psychological impact, Coping factors, Faith, Stigm
Purushothaman P, T S, Santhanakrishnan I, Rajamanickam S, K K, Samuel B.. Psychosocial Perceptions as Significant Impact Modifiers - A Mixed Method Research Among Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients in A Tertiary Care Hospital in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu . National Journal of Community Medicine. 2022 Dec; 13(12): 882-888