A Study on Prevalence and Socio Demographic Risk Factors for Hypertension Among Bus Drivers and Conductors of Southern India

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Background: Hypertension is one of the diseases of occupational origin. The percentage of hypertensive increases when selected occupational groups are screened. Transport personnel are one such group who are at risk of developing hypertension due to the nature of their profession. Objective: To study the prevalence of hypertension and socio demographic risk factors for hypertension among bus drivers and conductors of NEKRTC, Raichur division. Methods: A cross sectional study comprising of 360 bus drivers and 338 bus conductors was undertak-en in two NEKRTC depots of Raichur division, Raichur. Data was collected by interviewing study subjects and by physical examination and analyzed using percentages and Chi square test. Results: Prevalence of hypertension among bus drivers and conductors was found to be 25.3% and 19.8% respectively. Socio demographic factors like age, marital status, type of family, socioeconomic sta-tus was significantly associated with hypertension in bus drivers while in conductors only age and mari-tal status were significantly associated with hypertension. Conclusion and recommendations: Prevalence of hypertension is higher in bus drivers and conduc-tors, thus periodic screening and monitoring of blood pressure in these transport personnel along with provision of preventive and curative services to them at the earliest will be an effective strategy.
Hypertension, Bus drivers, Conductors
Sulgante S, Kirte RC. A Study on Prevalence and Socio Demographic Risk Factors for Hypertension Among Bus Drivers and Conductors of Southern India . National Journal of Community Medicine. 2022 Jun; 13(6): 364-368