COVID-19 Infection Rate following COVID-19 Vaccination among Healthcare Professionals at a Tertiary Care Public Hospital in City of Mumbai

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Indian Medical Association
Background : India launched COVID-19 mass Vaccination campaign after regulatory approval of Covishield & Covaxin vaccines. However, inspite of Vaccination, cases of COVID-19 infection are being reported. Hence, this study is aimed to assess the COVID-19 infection and/or re-infection rate, including breakthrough infections, following vaccination among Health Care Workers at a Tertiary Care Dedicated COVID Hospital. This questionnaire-based survey was initiated following Institutional Ethics Committee approval. We also looked at reasons for Vaccine hesitancy and occurrence of adverse reactions following vaccination, their management and duration amongst the Healthcare Workers. Results : Of 564 Healthcare Workers (HCWs) who consented to participate, only 503 filled in the questionnaire completely. Majority of the HCWs received Covishield vaccine (78.56%). The infection rate postvaccination was 8.28% (with a median of 22 days and IQR of 8-43 days). This infection rate was significantly higher in those who were not vaccinated as compared to the Vaccinated HCWs (OR = 0.10, 95 CI% = 0.05�22, p <0.0001). Breakthrough infection rate was 2.42. Although 58.39% of the participants suffered adverse reactions after vaccination, like myalgia, Fever, Headache, these were mild in nature lasting for an average of 3-4 days. The vaccine hesitancy rate at our hospital HCWs was 6.36%, the main issue being the concerns regarding safety and effectiveness of the vaccines against the COVID-19 infection. Discussion/Conclusion : The infection and Breakthrough infection rates in our study were low and severity of COVID infection post vaccination was mild, not requiring hospitalisation
COVID-19, Healthcare Workers, Infection rate, Breakthrough infection, Vaccination, Vaccine hesitancy, Adverse reactions
Pandya Jayashri, Munshi Renuka, Ambre Sagar Ramesh, Kumbhar Dipti. COVID-19 Infection Rate following COVID-19 Vaccination among Healthcare Professionals at a Tertiary Care Public Hospital in City of Mumbai. Journal of The Indian Medical Association. 2022 Sept; 120(9): 34-38