Transitional-Cell Carcinoma of the Endometrium: A Rare Case Report.

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Akshantala Enterprises Private Limited
Transitional cell carcinoma is a very rare histological subtype of endometrial cancer. To date, only 21 cases of transitional cell carcinoma of the endometrium have been reported in the international literature. Due to the rarity of this disease, current management is controversial and includes various approaches, mostly described in the adjuvant setting, both radiotherapy and chemotherapy alone or in combination. Here, we report a case of a 62-year-old patient who underwent radical total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAH-BSO)Transitional Cell Carcinomas (TCC) of endometrium are unusual tumours occurring in the female genital tract, most commonly occurring in the ovary, accounting to nearly 2 % of the carcinomas.2 Rarest site of presentation of TCC is Endometrium and with least number of cases having diagnosed primitive endometrial disease which are described in literature.3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Therefore, it is very troublesome for these patients to have any definite guidance with regard to after-surgery adjuvant therapy, due to different adjunct treatments, including external beam radiotherapy, brachytherapy or the internal radiation therapy and chemo which were previously used.Therefore, we report an unexpected face-off / confrontation with a highly unusual case of pure endometrial TCC, where we treated the patient with surgery as the patient declined any kind / modality of further treatment.
Sahu Preeti Rajendra, Hiwale Kishor Madhukar, Vagha Sunita Jayant. Transitional-Cell Carcinoma of the Endometrium: A Rare Case Report.. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2020 Sep; 9(36): 2666-2668