In-Vitro Quantitative Comparison of Platelet Rich Fibrin, and Plasma Rich in Growth Factor, with Age, Gender, Blood Parameters

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Akshantala Enterprises Private Limited
Periodontal therapy and its recent advances has modernised leaps and bounds with newer regenerative modalities in an attempt to regenerate bone, gingiva, periodontal ligament and cementum. One of the newly accepted trends in regenerative therapy is the use of platelet concentrates such as platelet rich fibrin, plasma rich in growth factor which act as biological scaffold, fillers as well a vehicle along with bone grafts. Platelet concentrates have been found to be rich in growth factors and are used in the field of periodontology as an additive to bone grafting in sites of bony defects as a potential filler material. We wanted to evaluate the relation between the volume of blood extracted and weight of corresponding platelet rich fibrin and plasma rich in growth factor, and correlation of weight of platelet rich fibrin and plasma rich in growth factor with age, gender and blood parameters. MethodsA sample of 36 systemically healthy patients was randomly selected from the outpatient department of a dental college in Chennai. They were matched for age, gender and distributed into two broad groups: one for PRF and the other for PRGF comprising 9 females and 9 males in each group. A routine complete blood count including red blood cell count, white blood cell count and platelet count and haemoglobin were determined. ResultsThere was no relation between the weight of platelet rich fibrin and plasma rich in growth factor and the gender or age of the patient. There was also no apparent correlation between the platelet count and the platelet weight obtained. In some patients despite high platelet concentration, substantial PRF or PRGF weight was not obtained. ConclusionsWithin the limits of this study, it was found that the quantity of PRF and PRGF obtained is independent of age, and gender with no direct relation between the RBC count, WBC count, and haemoglobin.
Age, Attachment Loss, Biochemical Comparison, Periodontal, PRF, PRGF, Weight
Narayan Siddharth, Malaiappan Sankari. In-Vitro Quantitative Comparison of Platelet Rich Fibrin, and Plasma Rich in Growth Factor, with Age, Gender, Blood Parameters. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2020 Sep; 9(36): 2620-2624