Rapid identification of clinically important bacteroides by coagglutination method.

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A coagglutination technique using indigenous reagents was applied for the rapid identification of Bacteroides fragilis and the black pigmented bacteroides group, using colony suspensions. All the 58 strains of B. fragilis and 42 strains of black pigmented bacteroides tested could be correctly identified by this method. The specificity of the coagglutination reagent was confirmed by the absence of cross reactivity with the related species of bacteroides, viz., B. distasonis, B. ovatus, B. vulgatus and B. thetaiotaomicron as well as other anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. A panel of four antisera against B. fragilis was required for correct identification of the strains tested, indicating the presence of multiple serotypes. On the other hand, all 42 strains of black pigmented bacteroides tested could be identified, using a single reagent as these strains appeared to have no antigenic type variants.
Lalitha MK, Anandi V, Elias L, Kalpana CR. Rapid identification of clinically important bacteroides by coagglutination method. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 1991 Mar; 93(): 98-102