Rare Case of Large Antesternal Goitre,

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Akshantala Enterprises Private Limited
A 55 years male presented with a large, painless, gradually increasing swelling in the neck and antesternal area for the last 35 years. The swelling started growing in front of the neck and later on occupied the areas in front of the chest. Patient was having constant dragging sensation due to this swelling and this swelling had to be supported during eating and drinking & it was interfering in his normal daily activities. When the growth developed small ulcer on its lower part, he reported to I.G. Medical College Hospital. The patient had no concomitant morbidity, no past history of any surgical or medical disease or treatment. There was no relevant family medical history.
Malhotra Kunal, Sharma Subhash, Kaundal Ashok Kumar, Malhotra Anil. Rare Case of Large Antesternal Goitre,. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2020 Apr; 9(15): 1310-1312