Plexiform Multicystic Ameloblastoma in a 20-Year-Old Adult

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Akshantala Enterprises Private Limited
A 20 years old male patient reported to dental OPD with a complaint of swelling in the lower left back tooth region of jaw since 4 months. Patient gave a history of gradual increase in swelling from 4 months which was associated with dull aching type of pain. There was no history of trauma, balm application or pus discharge from the swelling. The patient had pain while chewing hard food and experienced an abnormal sensation over the left cheek region. There was no history of tooth removal in the same region from past 4 months. His past medical history was not significant. He was a known betel nut chewer. Extra oral examination (figure 1) revealed an ill-defined, single, diffused swelling present in in lower third on left side of the face extending anteroposteriorly from left preauricular region to ala of nose. S/I from Frankfort horizontal plane to left submandibular region measuring about 7 × 8 cms. On palpation, local temperature was raised.
Borra Kartika L., Bhowate Rahul R., Lohe Vidya K.. Plexiform Multicystic Ameloblastoma in a 20-Year-Old Adult. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2020 Mar; 9(11): 894-896