Maxillary reservoir denture to overcome radiation-induced xerostomia – Light at the end of the tunnel

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Wolters Kluwer India Pvt. Ltd.
Xerostomia is a subjective symptom of dry mouth. It can occur as a part of the systemic disease, drug-induced side effect, or following therapeutic radiation therapy to the head-and-neck region. The primary complication faced by these xerostomic patients is the difficulty in retention of removable dentures. It is important to recognize that the prosthodontic management of these patients requires special attention and care. In an attempt to overcome the presence of xerostomia, several techniques of introducing reservoirs into the dentures containing salivary substitutes have been proposed. This case report presents a simplified approach for the construction of a reservoir in the maxillary denture, specifically in patients where other treatment modalities have failed. This technique provided excellent lubrication to oral tissues, hygienic for the patient, and utilized routine denture base material
Lubrication, radiotherapy, reservoir denture, xerostomia
Srivastava Sudhanshu, Negi Preety, Devendra Chopra, Misra Sumit. Maxillary reservoir denture to overcome radiation-induced xerostomia – Light at the end of the tunnel. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. 2020 Jul; 16(3): 693-696