Laparoscopic management of appendicular lump

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The surgical management of an appendicular lump remains controversial. With the revolution and advancement of laparoscopic instrumentation and technical learning curve, it is possible to remove an inflamed appendix in presence of lump. This retrospective study was performed between August 2018 and August 2019 in AIIMS Raipur, 86 patients were treated for appendicitis laparoscopically, in these 14 patients had appendicular lump at the time of admission. 12 patients (total 14; 2 patients were excluded) underwent laparoscopic intervention for appendicular lump. Average operative time were 90 minutes. Average post-operative hospital stay were 5 days. Post-operative complications were seen in 2 patients (surgical site infection). In histopathology report, appendicular inflammation suggestive of appendicitis were present in all operated cases. We conclude, early laparoscopic appendectomy confirms the diagnosis. It is safe and feasible in patients with appendicular lump. It reduces the treatment cost, early recovery and satisfactory overall outcome.
Appendicitis, Inflamed appendix, Appendicular lump, Laparoscopic management
Chaudhary Manoj Kumar, Shankar Mrinal, Baruah Tridip Dutta, Ray Rubik, Samal Shubham. Laparoscopic management of appendicular lump. International Surgery Journal. 2020 Sep; 7(9): 3065-3067