A study of retrospective analysis of the outcome of parasagittal meningioma

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Medip Academy
Background: Meningioma is a common benign tumours treated by neurosurgeons. They develop from arachnoid cap cells within the thin spider web-like membrane covering the brain and spinal cord. The arachnoid is one of the three protective layers of the central nervous system collectively known as the meninges surrounding the brain and spinal cord. The aim of our study is to analyze the outcome of parasagittal meningioma.Methods: The details of the patients diagnosed with parasagittal meningioma and operated upon during the study period of 2009-2013 were retrospectively collected from the medical records kept in the department of neurosurgery and different study parameters were documented for analysis.Results: Out of the total 40 patients with meningioma 15 (37.5%) patients had parasagittal meningioma in anterior 1/3rd of sagittal sinus, 21 (52.5%) patients had parasagittal meningioma in middle 1/3rd of sagittal sinus and 4 (10%) patients had parasagittal meningioma in posterior 1/3rd of the sagittal sinus and 28 (70%) patients  are treated by gross total resection (GTR), 7 (17.5%) patients were treated by subtotal resection (STR) and 5 (12.5%) patients were treated by dendritic cell (DC) and postoperatively 22 patients (55%) did not develop any complications. Weakness develops for 12 patients (30%), followed by recurrence in 3 patients (7.5%) and 3 patients (7.5%) died.Conclusions: Conservative resection of the tumour with residual lesion within the sagittal sinus followed by adjuvant treatment with modalities like radiotherapy, chemotherapy or targeted therapy for the residual lesion is an accepted mode of treatment.
DC, Gross total resection, Parasagittal meningioma, Recurrence, STR
Pazhaniyandi A., Ramkumar R. R.. A study of retrospective analysis of the outcome of parasagittal meningioma. International Surgery Journal. 2020 May; 7(5): 1436-1439