Prevalance of Rh Antigen Subgroups Among Blood Donors in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Rural Harayana

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JK Science
Rh system in today’s world is probably the most complex red cell antigen system in humans. The presence ofD antigen confers Rh positivity and vice versa. Two allelic antigen pairs, E/e and C/c are also found on the Rhprotein. The D antigen is the most immunogenic red cell antigen after A and B. As there is paucity of datadistribution of Rh antigen subgroup from the Indian literature, the study was conducted to know the prevalenceof Rh antigen subgroups in this part of the region and to determine the phenotype and most common genotypeof Rh antigen among the blood donors. The observational 1 year prospective study was conducted on blooddonors attending the blood bank in the Department of Pathology, MMIMSR, MMDU, Mullana.The studycomprised of blood donors of various age groups which included 90%(450) males and 10%(50) females. Anoverall Rh D positivity was seen in 88.4% of blood donors while 11.6% lacked the D antigen. The mostcommon Rh phenotype was ccDEE 26.6%. In conclusion, sensitization to clinically important blood groupantigens can be prevented through complete blood typing. All patients should be genotyped before the firstblood transfusion
Rh D, Rh C, Rh E, Anti D
Sharma Abhimanyu, Garg Monika, Bedi Sanjay. Prevalance of Rh Antigen Subgroups Among Blood Donors in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Rural Harayana. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2019 Oct; 2019 Oct: 148-151