Galen Vein Aneurysm: Problem of Management in an Under-Equipped Neurosurgical Environment about a Case and Review of the Literature

Vein of GALEN aneurysmal malformation (VGAM) is a rare congenital disease caused by arteriovenous shunts between the choroidal arteries and the porencephalic ectatic vein. The diagnosis is often made in utero or during infancy, endovascular treatment remains the most suitable therapeutic means in a well-equipped environment. Here we report here the case of a patient complaining of headache for 1 year, and whose brain CT imaging showed the presence of Galen veinaneurysm with associated non-communicating hydrocephalus. In the absence of the appropriate technical platform, the placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt relieved our patient’s symptoms
Aneurysm, vein of galen aneurysm, ventriculoperitoneal shunt
Faye Mohameth, Thioub Mbaye, Mhaks Malangu, Célèbre Mualaba, Bouih Mounia, Lounceny Fatoumata Barry, Ba Momar Code, Badiane Seydou Boubakar. Galen Vein Aneurysm: Problem of Management in an Under-Equipped Neurosurgical Environment about a Case and Review of the Literature. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research. 2020 Aug; 32(13): 83-87