Outcomes of Breast Cancer Receptor Testing at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation from December 2016 to December 2018

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Objectives:To review the outcomes of oestrogen receptor(ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) in breast cancer patients at GPHC over a 2 year period from December 2016-December 2018.Hypothesis:There is a higher incidence triple negative(ER (-), PR (-), HER2 (-)) breast cancer among patients in Guyana when compared to the Caribbean.Secondary Objectives:To identify the patients who had hormone receptor testing done at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).To specify the current trends of ER, PR and HER2 in patients at GPHC from December 2016-December 2018.To enumerate the percentage of BC diagnosed in the patients under 40 years.Design and Methods:Retrospective cohort study of 90 BC patients with known receptor status from December 2016-Dcember 2018.Results:In this study of 90 patients 46% of the patients are triple negative BC, while 38% are hormone receptor positive. Of least frequency are the triple positive BC representing 3%.The persons 40years and under represent 16% of the population. Conclusion: There in a high percentage of breast cancer in patients under 40 years representing 16% of the study population.There is a higher percentage of triple negative or non-hormonal receptive breast cancerat GPHC of approximately 46% which supersedes 20% when compared to the Caribbean population.Recommendations: Further study is needed, with screening and development of protocols. Breast receptor testing in all patients need to routinely done and a formal cancer registry and Digital database established.
Breast Cancer, public hospital, oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor
Solomon Sandy, Motilall Ravi. Outcomes of Breast Cancer Receptor Testing at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation from December 2016 to December 2018. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research. 2019Nov; 30(12): 15-16