Psychological Counseling in Contemporaneity: A Psychoanalytic Perspective

Psychological counseling, as a contemporary clinical practice, presents itself as a modality concerned with the model as if the new psychic demands are configured and, above all, focused on respecting the historical horizon of meaning in which the one who addresses his request for help is inserted. Within the counseling process in the approach of psychoanalysis, through clinical listening, the objective is to make patients rescue their narratives by becoming protagonists of their history, enabling them to enter a desirous world. Thus, it is believed that psychological counseling has been bringing benefits to the community in general, through the expansion of the possibilities of clinical listening, which hasbecome a possible reference in the public service.Review Article
Psychological counseling, psychoanalysis, host, listen
Oliveira Daniela Ponciano, Ellen Fernanda Klinger, Gisele Alves Rodrigues, Alanne Letícia Lima Silva Oliveira, Dennis Martins Adriano, Luís Filipe Bonaparte Milhomem, Kaffilla Alves Botelho, Keytianny Alencar de Oliveira, Vanessa Mendes de Oliveira Mota, Talita Pinheiro Aguiar, Maysa Gloria Oliveira, Kássia Silva Oliveira. Psychological Counseling in Contemporaneity: A Psychoanalytic Perspective. International Neuropsychiatric Disease Journal. 2020 Sep; 14(2): 36-41