Current practices in family planning: a population based study

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Background: To study the knowledge, current practices of family planning methods and acceptance post motivation.Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted at family planning OPD of AIIMS, New Delhi, India. A total of 1516 couples who came for MTP at any gestation couple were enquired about knowledge, currently used contraceptive method and reason for abortion. Couple was counseled and allowed to choose contraceptive method using cafeteria approach. Mean values of continuous data were tested using t-test/ANOVA. Categorial data were compared using chi-square/ Fischers exact test.Results: Mean±SD age of the women was 28.89±5.21 years with 9.98±4.56 weeks POG. Around 81% of women had one or more living children with 62.67% women with at least one abortion previously. Majority used male condoms (42.10%) followed by natural method (21.01%), Cu-T (3.80%), OCPs (1.65%), injectable (0.30%), I-pill (0.24%). Awareness was maximum for male condoms, Cu-T, OCPs, female sterilization (100%) and least for female condoms (20%) and LNG-IUS (8.46%). Contraceptive failure (68.90%), congenital abnormality in the fetus (22.40%), maternal disease (5.90%), rape (1.60%), completed family (0.80%) and not using any method (0.30%) were the reasons of abortion. Majority of abortions were in first trimester (70%). Post-motivation around 69.30% of the couples accepted some form of contraception. Female sterilization (32.50%) method accepted by the couples as compares to temporary methods (36.70%) such as Cu-T, OCPs, Injectables etc.Conclusions: Despite of awareness the family planning programme is unsuccessful largely due to inappropriate attitude. Behavioral modification and communication goes a long way to slove the problem.
Awareness, Behavioral modification, Contraception, Family planning methods, Post-motivation
Kaundal Asmita, Sehgal Rohini, Kachhawa Garima, Kumar Sunesh, Kriplani Alka, Vanamail P.. Current practices in family planning: a population based study. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019 Jun; 8(6): 2372-2377