Clinical significance and treatment of striae gravidarum during pregnancy: a review article

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Abdominal stretch marks found during pregnancy may be indicative of poor skin elasticity. One who does not have stretch marks may have better skin elasticity and may be less likely to tear perineal and vaginal tissue during vaginal delivery. Striae gravidarum (SG) is a common phenomenon of stretch marks observed during pregnancy that may be an indicator of poor skin elasticity. The type and amount of collagen in connective tissue are considered to determine the individual’s elastic index. The skin surface is made up of a complex network of crossing thin lines. The two-dimensional relationship between primary and secondary lines determines the skin texture and its grade of irregularity. SG is caused by changes in the structural connective tissue due to a hormonal elect on the alignment and reduced elastin and fibrillin in the dermis. Severity scoring of SG was observed using the numerical scoring system of Atwal. This score provides a rank based on observation of four areas in which SG is most commonly observed (abdomen, hips, buttocks, and breast).
Pregnancy, Skin, Striae gravidarum, Topical
Abbas Ahmed M., Kamel Fatma M., Salman Safwat A.. Clinical significance and treatment of striae gravidarum during pregnancy: a review article. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019 Jan; 8(1): 368-371