Convalescent Plasma Therapy: A Novel Approach To A Novel Coronavirus

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Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt. Ltd.
Objective: The Corona virus-induced disease-19 (COVID-19) turning to its aggressive phase of spreading, the treatment options where less and several options are trialing and seeking. Convalescent plasma therapy is one of the newest trailing therapy for COVID patients today without other definite treatment. The convalescent plasma (CP) therapy is used previously and identified its benefits in other conditions. But in the case of COVID 19 the effects and safety should be ensured for its implementation. Methods: Systematically searched in Pub Med and other authentic sources for articles of interest. Results: This review includes 5 studies, over all 26 patients who treated CP and following progressions and events. All became clinically better and the antibody titer increased in the patients. Not only that the viral load decreased with a reduction in inflammatory markers Conclusion: These small studies and case series suggest that CP is effective and safety is high for clinical recover and reduction in viral load.
Plasma therapy, COVID-19, Novel Corona virus, Wuhan, SARS
Jose J., Babu J. V., Mishra B.. Convalescent Plasma Therapy: A Novel Approach To A Novel Coronavirus. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2020 Aug; 12(8): 180-182