Biography of Sŏdhala and his contribution to Ayurvĕda.

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Sŏdhala was a scholar of Ayurvĕda as well as săhitya, Jyotisya, Vyakaraņa and also a good poet who belongs to Gujarat. Sŏdhala contributed two important works to Ayurvĕda literature namely 1. Sŏdhbala nighaņţu, 2. Gadanigraha. Sŏdhala nighaņţu consists of two parts and contains about 2,050 (790+1,260) verses. The section on synonyms, the Nămasangraha, and the other one is on properties and actions of drugs, the Guņasangraha. The arrangement of the material constitutes an unprecedented innovation in the literature of Nighaņţu (Ayurvĕda drug's lexicons or dictionaries). The Gadanigraha is composed of two distinct parts and contains about 10,054 (2,700+7,354) verses. The first part is a collection of formulae arranged according to the several types of pharmaceutical preparations and the second one is a comprehensive text dealing with both Nidăna and cikitsă, arranged as for the Aşţăngas (8 major divisions) of Ayurvĕda. The work seems to be later than Sŏdhalanighaņţu because most of the drugs mentioned in this work are not found in the Sŏdhalanighaņţu. The diseases are arranged in systematically, which is a new feature and their order is differ from Mădhavanidăna. From the available evidences we can assume that Sŏdhala might be belongs to 1200 A.D. The contributions of Sŏdhala are noteworthy and they are important landmark works in history of Ayurvĕda.
Subhose V, Narayana A, Bhatnagar VK, Rao MM. Biography of Sŏdhala and his contribution to Ayurvĕda. Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad). 2006 Jan-Jun; 36(1): 43-62