Medicinal plants referred in Vămana Purăna.

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Purăna and Itihăsa (history) have been the allied subjects since the early Vĕdik times. They have been regarded as supplementary to each other. The word 'Purăna' as an adjective means ancient or old. Its earliest use as a noun in the sense of 'ancient lore or old narrative' (or works containing ancient lore's or old narratives) is found in the Atharvavĕda and the Brăhmanas. This Vămana Purăna contains information on medicinal plants which are used in ăyurvĕda for treating different kinds of ailments. This article carries the list of medicinal plants referred in Vămana Purăna with their scientific names, context and references.
Prasad PV, Subhaktha PK. Medicinal plants referred in Vămana Purăna. Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad). 2003 Jan-Jun; 33(1): 33-61