Typhoid fever with multiorgan involvement: pulmonary, hepatic and renal complications with dyselectrolytemia

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Typhoid fever is an important health problem in developing countries like India, especially among young children. It may involve a number of systems and may present with various complications specially if untreated. We report a rare case of typhoid fever with multiple complications in 4 years young female who presented with fever, toxemia, bronchopneumonia, icteric hepatitis and also developed AKI, hyponatremia. Enteric fever with its complications has been reported previously but mostly reported with surgical complications, pulmonary complication, Myocarditis, hepatitis, hepatitis with renal failure etc but this seems to be unique case as presented with multiorgan involvement e.g. bronchopneumonia, icteric hepatitis, AKI and dyselectrolytemia. Previously reported cases were usually adolescents while this case is just 4 years young child. Despite multiple complications, patient responded well to treatment of enteric fever and discharged successfully.
Verma Manish, Jat Jaisingh, Agarwal Khushboo. Typhoid fever with multiorgan involvement: pulmonary, hepatic and renal complications with dyselectrolytemia. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics. 2019 Jan; 6(1): 215-217