A Social-Cultural Perspective of the New Middle Classes in India: An Introduction

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Medical Council of India
One of the most significant countenances of South Asian modernity is New Indian Middle Class and their Culture. This earlierIndian middle class was committed to both traditions and modernity in an anti-colonial sense and consistent in serving the highintellectual and bureaucratic positions in a state-governed welfare economy and secular nation-state. After 1990s liberalization,the NMC became the focus of attention due to its socio-economic mobility, socio-cultural and political influence and consumerpotential. The purpose of the present article is to demonstrate that the emerging NMC is relatively an unexplored andcomparatively new contextual urban reality and a group which is fluid and still emerging. Through an analysis of the NMC andits economic and socio-cultural distinctiveness, the article shows its emergence and ongoing transformation on the backdrop ofthe mid-1980s and the 1990s neo-liberalization. It is to be understand that the class or classes, under concern is/are assumed tobe less aware of class in traditional theoretical sense, rather more aware of their images of perceivable/embodied ‘culture(s)’ or‘lifestyle(s)’. In this paper author try to review the history and the emerging issues within the broad subject in a way that willbe discernible to the larger target audiences
Neoliberalization, New Middle class, professionals, middle class predicament and development.
Chowdhury Debasree. A Social-Cultural Perspective of the New Middle Classes in India: An Introduction. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies. 2019 Jun; 6(2): 8-14