Penetrating Chest Trauma with Iron Rod In-situ: A Surgical Challenge

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International Society for Contemporary Medical Research
Introduction: Chest trauma both blunt and penetratingconstitutes 10-15% of all traumas and 25% of all deaths fromtraumatic injuries.Case report: We present a case of penetrating right chesttrauma following road traffic accident (RTA) with big metallicrod in-situ, entering from right axillary region and coming outfrom posterior chest wall. The force of impact was so severethat the heavy iron rod got bent upon itself making its removala surgical challenge.Conclusion: In cases of penetrating chest trauma earlyassessment, accurate diagnosis, and rapid transport with noattempt to remove the penetrating foreign body and meticulousplanning play key role in its successful management.
Penetrating Chest Injury, Open Pneumothorax, Intercostal Drainage (ICD) Tube
Das Narendra Nath, Lakhotia Siddharth, Akanksha. Penetrating Chest Trauma with Iron Rod In-situ: A Surgical Challenge . International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2020 Jun; 7(6): f1-f3