Penetrating Cardiac Trauma with Retained Intra - Myocardial Pellets - A Case Report

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International Society for Contemporary Medical Research
Introduction: Penetrating ballistic cardiac injury is usuallyfatal before victim the gets any medical help. Retained intracardiac missile is a very rare entity and so far a very few caseshave been reported in the literature.Case report: We describe a young patient who presentedwith multiple life threatening pellet injuries involving chest,abdomen, and limbs. Patient had CT and echocardiographydocumented retained pellets in the heart with pericardialeffusion. Patient was managed successfully using conservativeapproach without any surgical intervention.Conclusion: this case highlights the importance of carefulmonitoring and conservative approach in such critically illpatients for a better outcome.
Intracardiac Pellets, Penetrating Cardiac Injury, Pericardial Effusion
Dar Mohd Iqbal, Alai Mohd Sultan, Rashid Aamir, Tramboo Nisar A. Penetrating Cardiac Trauma with Retained Intra - Myocardial Pellets - A Case Report. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2020 Mar; 7(3): c1-c3