A study on awareness of human immunodeficiency virus among adolescent girls in urban and rural field practice areas of Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

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Background: Adolescents in India represent over 1/5th (22.3%) of total population. Though they constitute the healthiest section of population they are considered as vulnerable group. India having a large population with low literacy levels leading to a low level of awareness of HIV/AIDS, the disease is posing an alarming threat on the public health scenario. Globally, almost of a quarter of people living HIV are under the age of 25 years. In India, 35% of all reported AIDS cases are among the age group of 15-24 years, indicating the vulnerability of the younger population to the epidemic. This study aimed to assess knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS and to explore epidemiological determinants of awareness among them. Objectives of the study was to study the awareness of HIV/AIDS among adolescents of urban and rural field practice areas of OMC Hyderabad 2) to study the factors associated with knowledge and awareness among adolescents of urban and rural field practice areas of OMC, Hyderabad.Methods: A community based cross-sectional study is conducted in adolescents aged 10-19 years. A total of 760 adolescent girls (380 in each area) were interviewed and examined.Results: The study revealed that only 37.4 per cent of the sample subjects had known the expanded form of the abbreviation HIV/AIDS. Very few of the respondents (12.6%) knew that HIV/AIDS is preventable. 39% of them had the no knowledge with regard to the mode of transmission.Conclusions: This study strengthens the need of properly formulated awareness campaigns and programmes on HIV/AIDS.
Adolescent, Awareness, Human immunodeficiency virus, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Knowledge
Gurram Sudharani, Bollampalli Baburao. A study on awareness of human immunodeficiency virus among adolescent girls in urban and rural field practice areas of Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2020 Feb; 7(2): 706-710