An observational study on the prescription pattern of antihypertensive drugs in a private health care centre, Chennai

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Background: Hypertension is a public health problem worldwide. Elevated systolic blood pressure ?140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure ?90 mmHg are defined as Hypertension. The choice of an antihypertensive drug is based on its efficacy, side-effects, effects on other systems and cost. The objective of this study is to evaluate the prescription pattern of antihypertensive drugs in a private health care centre.Methods: A retrospective observational study was carried out in the out-patient department of a private health care centre, Chennai from November 2018 to December 2018.Results: In the present study, 104 prescriptions were selected based on the inclusion criteria. In which 62 (59.61%) were males and 42 (40.38%) were females. Prescriptions belonging to age group of <40 years were 11 (10.57%), 40–59 years were 48 (46.15%) and >60 years were 45 (43.26%). Monotherapy was received by 62 hypertensive patients and as combination therapy by 42 patients.Conclusions: Even though the prescription pattern of antihypertensive drugs in this study complied with the recommended guidelines, clinicians should always be vigilant and consider change of regimen whenever necessary.
Antihypertensive drugs, Prescription pattern, Monotherapy, Combination therapy
Panneerselvam Nithya, Shanmugam Hemanthkumar, Somasundaram Revathi, Khaier Ummul. An observational study on the prescription pattern of antihypertensive drugs in a private health care centre, Chennai. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. 2019 Oct; 8(10): 2232-2236