Antimicrobial stewardship: need of the hour

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Efforts to tackle the global threat of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) have recently taken shape in a number of potentially far-reaching collaborative initiatives. When microbes become resistant to medicines, the options for treating the diseases they cause are reduced. This resistance to antimicrobial medicines is happening in all parts of the world for a broad range of microorganisms with an increasing prevalence that threatens human and animal health. The direct consequences of infection with resistant microorganisms can be severe, including longer illnesses, increased mortality, prolonged hospital stay, loss of protection for patients undergoing operations and other medical procedures, and increased costs. Antimicrobial resistance affects all areas of health, involves many sectors and has an impact on the whole of society. To overcome the threat of antimicrobial resistance, a three-pillar approach has been advocated i.e. Optimize the use of existing antimicrobial agents, prevent the transmission of drug-resistant organisms through infection control and Improve environmental decontamination. Antimicrobial stewardship [AMSP] is one of the key strategies to overcome resistance. It is an inter-professional effort, across the continuum of care, involves timely and optimal selection, dose and duration of an antimicrobial for the best clinical outcome for the treatment or prevention of infection with minimal toxicity to the patient and minimal impact on resistance and other ecological adverse events.
Antimicrobial stewardship programme, Antimicrobial resistance, Antimicrobial
Ahmad Razi, Rehman Sana. Antimicrobial stewardship: need of the hour. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. 2018 Aug; 7(8): 1444-1449