Swivel haptics anterior capsule-fixated intraocular lens

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All India Ophthalmological Society
The purpose of the study is to report the feasibility of implantation of a new design of anterior capsule-fixated intraocular lens (IOL). The new IOL design is a foldable, hydrophilic, open-loop posterior chamber IOL with two extra polymethyl methacrylate swivel haptics created on the optic surface to capture the anterior capsulotomy after the IOL is implanted in the bag. In the pilot phase, the new IOL was implanted in 10 eyes of 10 patients of which 8 eyes underwent phacoemulsification and 2 eyes had laser cataract surgery. The mean spherical equivalent changed from *1.75 D to ?0.75 D at 6 months. Postoperatively, from 1 week to 6 months, all eyes showed stable refraction and anterior chamber depth with no evidence of decentration. Subjective questionnaire revealed high patient satisfaction with no complaints of dysphotopsia. No intra- or postoperative complications such as swivel haptic breakage, iris chafing, pigment dispersion, postoperative uveitis, or endophthalmitis occurred in any of the eyes necessitating explantation of the IOL. The new IOL design was feasible to implant and provided satisfactory outcomes in terms of no dysphotopsias and stable effective lens position.
Capsule fixation, dysphotopsia, effective lens position, posterior chamber intraocular lens, swivel haptics
Ganesh S, Brar S. Swivel haptics anterior capsule-fixated intraocular lens. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2018 Sep; 66(9): 1307-1309