Vitreous rebleed following sutureless vitrectomy: Incidence and risk factors

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Mahalingam, P
Topiwalla, TT
Ganesan, G
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All India Ophthalmological Society
Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the incidence and risk factors for vitreous rebleed (VRB) following 25-gauge sutureless vitrectomy for vitreous hemorrhage (VH) in diabetic retinopathy. Methods: A retrospective review of 190 diabetic patients having undergone vitrectomy for VH at a tertiary eye care center was analyzed. Demographic data of patients along with risk factors such as blood sugar levels (BSL), blood pressure (BP), anticoagulant use, and pan-retinal photocoagulation status (PRP) were tabulated. Depending on the commencement of VRB, patients were divided into immediate rebleed-within 2 weeks and delayed rebleed-beyond 2–4 weeks. Results: Forty-one patients had VRB, out of which 18 patients had immediate VRB and 23 patients had delayed VRB. The average duration between vitrectomy and VRB was 3.28 months. Twenty-eight patients were male and 13 were females. Average age at presentation was 53.8 years. Thirty-four patients (82.9%) were found to have high BSL and 28 patients (68.3%) had high BP and they developed rebleed (P < 0.01) after an initial hemorrhage-free period (average = 5.15 months). Fifteen patients (36.6%) underwent first time PRP intraoperatively, and they had immediate rebleed (P < 0.01) without any hemorrhage-free period (average = 0.9 months). Eight patients (19.5%) were on perioperative anticoagulants; however, their statistical significance did not persist in the multivariable model. There were neither age nor gender predilection toward rebleed (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The incidence rate of VRB was found to be 21.6%. Age and gender did not contribute to rebleed. Intraoperative PRP was a risk factor for immediate rebleed. Poor glycemic and BP control was a risk factor for delayed rebleed.
Anticoagulant use, pan-retinal photocoagulation, pars plana vitrectomy, vitreous rebleed
Mahalingam P, Topiwalla TT, Ganesan G. Vitreous rebleed following sutureless vitrectomy: Incidence and risk factors. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2018 Apr; 66(4): 558-561