Rare association of cyclopia with craniospinal rachischisis

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Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists
Cyclopia is a severe form of holoprosencephaly which results in children being born with just one eye, absence of nose and presence of a proboscis above the median eye. Incidence of cyclopia is around 1.05 in 1, 00,000 births, including stillbirths. The association of anencephaly with spinal rachichisis varies from 17-50%. However, the existence of cyclopia with anencephaly and spinal rachischisis has been reported only in 9 cases till date. We report one more case of cyclopia with anencephaly and spinal rachischisis. Awareness of this spectrum of association with cyclopia, albeit rare, will help in early antenatal diagnosis by fetal ultrasonography. Public education and strict adherence to folic acid supplementation can prevent this unfortunate anomaly.
Anencephaly, cyclopia, holoprosencephaly, spinal rachischisis.
Rodrigues LD, Arakeri SU, Dwarampudi RS. Rare association of cyclopia with craniospinal rachischisis. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 2019 Jun; 62(2): 283-286