Workplace violence against healthcare professionals in China: A content analysis of media reports

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Forum for Medical Ethics Society
Medical workplace violence (WPV) has become an alarming phenomenon in China. Few studies exist concerning how this is represented in the news. This study investigated the prevalence, characteristics, and causes of WPV from major news portals and medical websites in China, to provide a direction on the prevention and control of this issue. Quantitative content analysis was used to examine Chinese news portals and medical websites from 2013 to 2017. 235 valid reported cases were found. The number of incidents peaked in 2015, during the summer. Most cases occurred in the mid-eastern region of mainland China, in tertiary hospitals, and in the emergency department. The perpetrators were mainly individual males from the young adult or middle-aged groups. The major cause of medical WPV was dissatisfaction with treatment and referral. In conclusion, the development of prevention and control strategies is crucial and should be in accordance with the evidence from the research conducted.
Teoh Ru Jian Jonathan, Lu Fang, Zhang Xin-Qing. Workplace violence against healthcare professionals in China: A content analysis of media reports. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. 2019 APR; 4(2): 95-99